China International Finance Forum (Hong Kong)Summit
Theme: Global Economic and Financial Trends and China’s Economic Outlook
时间:2024年11月20日 地点:香港丽思卡尔顿酒店
Date: November 20, 2024 Venue: The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong
China International Finance Forum (Hong Kong) Summit will be held in Hong Kong on November 20, 2024. The organizing committee sincerely invites you to join this event.
Since its foundation in 2004, China International Finance Forum(CIFF) has been held for 20 years successfully. Since its establishment, the forum has been committed to promoting the opening up and internationalization of China's financial market and providing a platform for exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign financial institutions and policymakers. Each year, the forum brings together leaders of financial institutions, governments, academics and industry around the world to discuss and share the latest financial developments and trends. It focuses on the current hot issues in the financial field, including financial technology, digital transformation, financial regulation,international financial cooperation and other issues.
The summit will focus on the theme “Global Economic and Financial Trends and China’s Economic Outlook”. It aims to bring together elites in the field of financial assets and representatives of investment institutions to help Hong Kong build a global wealth management center and digital finance center. Through a variety of forms such as keynote speeches and expert dialogues, the summit will thoroughly analyze the development trend of global economy and finance, explore the development of Hong Kong’s new quality productivity, promote scientific and technological innovation, and enhance industrial competitiveness. The summit will also focus on the digital transformation of finance in Web 3.0, with a view to driving the continued progress of the financial industry and the widespread use of financial services.
11月20日(星期三) 上午会议 08:30-12:00 November 20 (Wednesday) 08:30-12:00 |
开幕式:全球经济金融趋势与中国经济展望 Opening Ceremony: Global Economic and Financial Trends and China’s Economic Outlook |
自助午餐12:00-13:00 Buffet Lunch 12:00-13:00 |
11月20日(星期三) 下午会议 13:30-17:30 November 20 (Wednesday) Parallel Meetings 13:30-17:30 |
第一部分:资产管理行业国际趋势和中国机遇 International Trends in the Asset Management Industry and China’s Opportunities 第二部分:web3.0时代的金融数字化转型 Financial Digital Transformation in Web3.0 闭幕式:世界经济形势与展望 Closing Ceremony: World Economic Situation and Prospect |
嘉宾晚宴18:00-20:00 Guest Dinner 18:00-20:00 |
Hong Kong's financial industry, American financial institutions, British financial institutions, Singaporean financial institutions, Shanghai financial institutions, and Beijing financial institutions gather together, bringing together financial industry elites from all over the world. Focusing on cutting-edge issues and hot topics in the financial field, we will conduct in-depth discussions on new trends and opportunities in the development of China's financial industry, providing ideas and directions for the future development of the financial industry.
Conference consultation: Teacher Zhang
010-8586 6856 13691266388 286966001@qq.com
北京易财金咨询有限公司是一家财经会议、财经传播、以及招商和融资顾问的官方活动独家承办方,主要业务包括:会议策划、执行;公关活动策划、执行;企业的招商和融资顾问等。公司每年定期执行北京服贸会:“中国金融科技论坛”和“中国智能产业论坛”,北京科博会:“中国金融论坛”和“中国科技创新论坛”,深圳高交会:“中国高新技术论坛”、上海CIFF“中国国际金融论坛”等国家部委主办的高端论坛峰会,以及不定期的金融和科技领域会展会议,企事业单位专项招商、协同交流等专项会议。 2018年以来,先后组织承办包头、长春、保定、南宁、青岛、新泰、徐州、郑州、怀柔、赤峰、天津滨海、深圳蛇口等高新区的众多场次中关村协同创新交流会议,为园区招商、项目对接、搭建人脉资源等,得到主办方一致好评。 不同层次的会议获得不同的会议资源、不同规模的会议满足不同的需求。二十余年的承办经历,具有专业的服务、出色的策划能力和丰富的运作经验。能够为客户提供一整套完善的活动策划及专业的实施队伍,包括主题创意、内容策划、嘉宾邀约、现场执行、媒体支持等。我们背靠国家级会议背景平台,多年来已拥有众多大型会展会议渠道和高端客户群体,满足各种合作。